Klanten Feedback


43 beoordelingen
Score: 5/5 Vertalen

"This was bought as a gift for someone who already had one and like it enough to want another!"

beoordeeld woensdag 23 januari 2019

Score: 1/5 Vertalen

"Sehr schlechte Qualität, Latten fallen auseinandern, Holz spaltet sich und Montage sehr schwierig."

beoordeeld maandag 22 oktober 2018

Score: 1/5 Vertalen

"Rubbish not worth the money, cheap Chinese material"

beoordeeld dinsdag 12 juni 2018

Score: 3/5 Vertalen

"The compost bin looks beautiful and adds to the garden but it isn’t terribly strong."

beoordeeld woensdag 23 mei 2018

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"On the whole I am happy with my purchase however I personally found it hard to erect and had to ask someone else to do it. He stated that it had 2 left sides and that the hinges were a little weak. Otherwise it is just the right size for my garden and is quite attractive to look at."

beoordeeld vrijdag 4 mei 2018

Score: 3/5 Vertalen

"Ich habe ihn gekauft weil er kleiner als die anderen ist, leider ist die Qualität den Preis nicht wert, die erste Leiste brach schon beim Transport in den Garten ab, da alles nur getackert ist. Naja, ich werde mit Nägel nachhelfen. Er sieht aber trotzdem ganz gut aus."

beoordeeld zondag 1 april 2018

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"Fast delivery, reasonable price, average instructions but in fairness it’s not difficult. Got it up in 15mins. Some people have complained about the quality of the hinges, fair point but they can be replaced if they go....it’s a composter."

beoordeeld donderdag 29 maart 2018

Score: 5/5 Vertalen

"Nicely made. As good as its description. Will make me want to compost and therefore benefit my garden and create less waste to landfill."

beoordeeld donderdag 8 februari 2018

Score: 1/5 Vertalen

"qualité général du produit très médiocre (j'ai passé une heure à la monter et j'ai du poncer d'une part et renforcer une pièce d'autre part)"

beoordeeld zaterdag 2 september 2017

Antwort von Primrose: "Bonjour ,\n\nMerci pour votre commenatire.\n\nPourriez vous s'il vous plait envoyer des photos à info@primrose.fr pour que l'on puisse constater.\nNous vous prions de nous excuser pour le désagrément et restons dans l'attente de vous lire.\nCordialement\n"
Score: 2/5 Vertalen

"I did not purchase this product! I purchased the beehive composter. Damaged on delivery. Replacement sent which was also damaged. Made up one composter out of 2 kits. Very poor quality product and not worth the cost. I also ordered the grow bag troughs - these were very good quality, strong, sturdy and worth the money."

beoordeeld woensdag 9 augustus 2017

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"Den Bewertungen nach zu urteilen hatte ich schlechteres erwartet. Ka, man muss den Scharnieren des Deckels mit längeren Schrauben nachhelfen und mit ein bisschen Denkarbeit und genauem Inspizieren der Einzelteile sind die Lücken der Aufbauanleitung kompensiert."

beoordeeld zondag 9 april 2017

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"Conforme à mes attentes. Originalité du composteur qui ressemble à une ruche. Aucun autre site ne rivalise avec ce parfum de rêve....Le guide du montage mériterait un peu plus de clarté. Dommage qu'il ne soit pas indiqué si cela convient à la culture bio."

beoordeeld donderdag 6 april 2017

Score: 5/5 Vertalen

"alles o.k."

beoordeeld maandag 5 december 2016

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"Bien qu'effectivement la qualité du produit laisse à désirer, nous avons choisi ce modèle pour son esthétique et, en cela, nous sommes pleinement satisfaits. Ainsi, après avoir mis des charnières plus solides, lasuré le bois et mis un joli revêtement vert sur le toit (gazon synthétique) car le gris granuleux fourni n'est vraiment pas beau, nous avons désormais un ravissant composteur qui s'harmonise parfaitement dans notre tout petit jardin!"

beoordeeld maandag 5 december 2016

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"Dommage que du papier reste collé au revetement du toit. Le dessin du Plan n'est pas tres bien fait pour expliquer comment monter le toit. On ne voit pas bien dans quel sens il est présenté sur le dessin, mais en réfléchissant on fini par trouver. Ceux qui vont trop vite doivent se tromper Autrement contrairement à ce que j'ai lu dans certains commentaires il ne manquait rien. C'est le seul composteur que j'ai trouvé qui a un beau design, on lui pardonne donc les points ci dessus"

beoordeeld maandag 21 november 2016

Score: 4/5 Vertalen


beoordeeld woensdag 21 september 2016

Score: 2/5 Vertalen

"Well, good and poor. I like the design, and it looks lovely now I've painted it. But the instructions were extremely poor. Really unhelpful. I used the picture on the website to work out how to put it together. Also - one of the wooden slats was cracked. I kept it because of the hassle of returning - it was easier to fix it than return, but I'd rather it had been in tact. The screws and hinges were extremely poor quality - I went to Wilko's and bought some better ones. The lid design isn't very clever - I had to caulk underneath it to make it waterproof. The holding slats for the lid also drop down too far - I inserted screws in the side to make rests for them. So - overall: really not worth sixty quid but I wanted a small, wooden composter without having to make one from scratch and this was the only one on the marked, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you don't mind buying extra bits, doing extra work and feeling a bit ripped off..."

beoordeeld dinsdag 13 september 2016

Score: 2/5 Vertalen

"Compost bin arrived without any screws or instructions, and I wanted to get it set up, so we found some of our own to use and figured out construction."

beoordeeld woensdag 7 september 2016

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"Instructions could have been better but it went together okay. I will replace the flimsy hinges though."

beoordeeld maandag 5 september 2016

Score: 1/5 Vertalen

"tres mauvaise qualitee, non servis"

beoordeeld zondag 4 september 2016

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"Bon produit. Très facile à monter. Charnières effectivement un peu fragiles et bois "tendre" mais il reste pratique (avec son ouverture sur le dessus et en bac du bac) et esthétique dans mon jardin contrairement aux composteurs en plastique. A voir à l'usure, mais aucun regret sur mon achat."

beoordeeld maandag 29 augustus 2016

Score: 5/5 Vertalen

"Product was exactly as advertised and had great feed back by e-mail before I made the purchase. Refreshingly helpful and efficient."

beoordeeld maandag 22 augustus 2016

Score: 2/5 Vertalen

"This is easy to construct although the pictures in the instructions are not helpful and there is a contradiction in the instructions where it talks of a back panel with hinges and there aren't any hinges on the back panel, they're actually on the roof. It's a good size composter for a small garden but it could definitely be more solidly made. One slat has already come loose from the frame (I've been using it one day) and I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I have to replace the hinges for more substantial ones. It's doing the job I bought it for but it's not particularly good value for money."

beoordeeld donderdag 18 augustus 2016

Score: 5/5 Vertalen

"Paquet compact facile à transporter. Le composteur lui même est facile à monter. Je l'ai fait toute seule."

beoordeeld zaterdag 2 juli 2016

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"Happy with product now constructed, but one side of the composter had a support piece of wood hanging off and the roofing sections needed prizing apart as they were stuck"

beoordeeld woensdag 29 juni 2016

Score: 2/5 Vertalen

"Holzqualität ist nicht besonders; einige Schrauben fehlten; die Schrauben, die vormontiert waren (an den Scharnieren), waren zu kurz und rissen noch vor dem Zusammenbau aus; Holzteile teilweise schlecht zusammengetackert - fielen schon beim Auspacken auseinander."

beoordeeld donderdag 24 maart 2016

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"I would have put 'Not bad' if there were a similar option. It looks smart, but the hinges are weak. Having said that I might buy another one in future, if I can't find another one that looks as good."

beoordeeld donderdag 17 maart 2016

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"Lovely item - needed a little extra support on hinges"

beoordeeld vrijdag 4 maart 2016

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"Produit esthétique mais bois de qualité médiocre."

beoordeeld maandag 29 februari 2016

Score: 2/5 Vertalen

"la qualité du bois et des charnière est médiocre, j'ai du rajouté des vis et raboté la porte du bas pour qu'elle ferme... donc vraiment trop cher Le point positif c'est l’esthétique du composteur"

beoordeeld maandag 8 februari 2016

Score: 5/5 Vertalen


beoordeeld maandag 1 februari 2016

Score: 4/5


beoordeeld woensdag 16 december 2015

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"holzqualität nicht die Beste"

beoordeeld zondag 22 november 2015

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"Good quality and clear instructions"

beoordeeld donderdag 2 juli 2015

Score: 1/5

"Materiaal waaibomenhout, slecht passend en met NIETJES in elkaar gezet."

beoordeeld dinsdag 23 juni 2015

Score: 5/5 Vertalen


beoordeeld donderdag 4 juni 2015

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"It's nice looking and a good size. Why doesn't it come with a base of any sort or instructions as to how to avoid destroying the grass beneath or staining the concrete?"

beoordeeld zaterdag 9 mei 2015

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"The beehive composter is more attractive than the traditional wooden and plastic varieties. The quality of the softwood is not very robust, with some tatty slats and one of the lid props missing. The hook for the front flap is very flimsy. We painted our composter and added more supports to make it more sturdy and lined it with mypex as no liner is provided. Overall a fair product for the price but could be improved."

beoordeeld vrijdag 8 mei 2015

Score: 5/5 Vertalen

"Perfect for my needs good size, easy to put together"

beoordeeld zondag 26 april 2015

Score: 5/5 Vertalen

"Beautiful feature in the garden, right size for a small family, and very efficient compost bin. very happy with this product."

beoordeeld vrijdag 17 april 2015

Score: 2/5 Vertalen

"Once built the item looks far more attractive than my very old plastic compost bin. However, the instructions and not having the correct amount of screws proved making the bin somewhat difficult. Also, the wooden slats have gaps between them so the compost I put back into the bin seeps out of the gaps onto the floor every time its. The inside needs to be lined with something, I used some old lino. The Final whinge is the hook supplied to hold the front flap up isn't suitable and the slightest knock makes the flap fall down, I've replaced the hook with a better one. This is, however, a more attractive item than the big ugly plastic composters and looks much nicer in my garden but I'm not sure it will have the longevity of a plastic one plus you need to put a bit of extra work in to make it more user friendly which I didn't really want to have to do."

beoordeeld woensdag 8 april 2015

Score: 2/5 Vertalen

"I was surprised to find the bins were flat packed as this was not mentioned on the website. The quality of the wood and hinges and screws & staples was poor and not very robust to receive the additional screws (wood split) but the bins LOOK nice."

beoordeeld maandag 23 maart 2015

Score: 4/5 Vertalen

"It went together quite well but the instructions were not that clear"

beoordeeld dinsdag 17 maart 2015